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Top tips for playing sports at home

Sports at home: 15 tips for playing sports (without equipment) at home
Top tips for playing sports at home
-Get up or stretch every two hours - It is important to reduce your time spent sitting or lying down by a few minutes of walking and stretching if possible every 2 hours. Force yourself to stretch your legs in your apartment or in your garden.

Here are the top tips for doing sports at home without equipment and without pressure. And because physical activity must remain a pleasure, Fitness PrO offers you advice for moderate activity, for everyone.

During confinement, playing sports outdoors is limited to walking or jogging but respecting 3 important rules: stay close to your home (less than 1 km), let the exit be brief (1 hour) and without any contact with friends or relatives (only with someone in your household). This is the only way to limit the spread of Covid-19 (Coronavirus). But moving is necessary to maintain good health. WHO recommends a minimum of 30 minutes a day for adults and an hour for children.
The first solution is to move at home. It is possible, even without equipment. Applications and federations offer simple exercises and tutorials. Besides, top athletes also train at home! Some even post videos of their workouts online.
The second is to go out for a brief physical activity near your home, with your certificate and without contact with other people. Avoid meeting people outside your home. If you have a garden, you can organize games with the people in your household.
Adapt your practice to your age and your physical condition. If you have a fever, avoid all physical activity, even if you have a weakness related to a pathology. Remember again that playing sports does not help fight infections, it is a misconception. On the contrary: playing sports when you are sick and feverish can worsen your health. "The risk is that the coronavirus will attack the heart muscle, causing an inflammation called myocarditis with a risk of rhythm disturbance and sudden death in particular on exertion", explains to Le Figaro Santé, Professor Hervé Douard, chief of the coronary diseases, stress tests and rehabilitation service, at the Bordeaux University Hospital.
In a confinement situation, "it is necessary to compensate for the decrease in daily activities which included active travel in particular", recommends the Health Security Agency (ANSES). Thus, "the frequencies and the durations of the periods of time dedicated to physical exercise can be increased", subject to compliance with the rules of progressiveness and adaptation to the capacities of each. "Muscle-strengthening exercises take on greater importance, especially since they are too widely neglected in life outside confinement. Here they become necessary in order to maintain muscle mass as well as possible and minimize the risk of muscular atrophy. deconditioning. "


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